4 Cool Gadgets We May Be Using By 2020

Technology is becoming an increasingly important part of our everyday lives. In fact, it’s becoming so much of a critical part of our daily routines that, on average, we spend more time staring at screens than sleeping. What’s exciting (or perhaps worrying for some) is that our dependence on technology shows no signs of decreasing, especially since technology is getting more and more advanced by the year. Here are five cool gadgets we may be using by 2020. Smartphones with 5G The fifth mobile network generation is on its way, and it’s thought that between 50 billion and 100 billion devices will be using it by 2020. Even though the new network will have to cope with huge demand that will surely keep on growing, it’s thought that 5G will be faster and less energy dependent than 4G. Those using smartphones with 5G should see websites and apps load much faster, as well as much lower latency.