Adapting to Emerging eDiscovery, Information Lifecycle Trends Without Losing Efficiency

Preparing for new and emerging trends in eDiscovery and the Information Lifecycle should be among the top priorities among modern businesses. Regardless of the company size or the industry your company operates within, you highly likely use numerous communication channels and handle hefty data flows daily. This means that some information governance and data management needs to take place. This typically involves: Data classification eDiscovery Information Lifecycle management Regulatory compliance Data and infrastructure security …and so on. This is especially becoming relevant with the emergence of new (as well as not so new) technologies and IT trends that include AI (artificial intelligence), Big Data, ML (machine learning), BYOD (bring your own device), advanced analytics, IoT (Internet of Things), cyber-attacks, etc. All these accounts for a higher vulnerability of sensitive data, which results in the increased need for reliable tools and strategies that can help companies better tackle data protection, eDiscovery, and information lifecycle. That said, let’s see what some of the most tangible advantages of deploying IG, IL, and eDiscovery are.