If you’re looking for a divorce lawyer and you or your partner are in the military or a retired member of the military, you’ll need to hire a military divorce lawyer. Military divorce lawyers handle special proceedings when it comes to one member being in the military and in a relationship where the divorce process is going to happen. These special types of lawyers are necessary for this scenario because they can present some unique military issues that need to be addressed.

Read on to find the steps you’ll need to take before hiring a military divorce lawyer.
Step 1: Make sure you’re ready for divorce
The first and most obvious step is ensuring that you and your partner are ready for a divorce. If one partner in the relationship refuses to cooperate or you feel that you’re not actually ready for a divorce, it’ll make the actual divorce process so much worse. Making sure you’re ready for a divorce, and your partner is prepared for what might happen in the future is the very first thing you’ll need to do before hiring a military divorce lawyer.
Step 2: Learn about the 10/10 Rule for Military Retirement
The 10/10 Rule for Military Retirement is a rule that applies to the spouse of someone in the military for at least ten years. This rule states that the spouse is entitled to direct payment of the retirement from DFAS. At the end of the day, the state court has full jurisdiction over this rule, but it’s best to research it, so it doesn’t take you by surprise. Researching something like this might seem like the job of your military divorce lawyer, but it’ll help you understand what you’re getting into and how things could go. You don’t want to be stumped when you find out all of the different possibilities that could happen after your divorce is over.
Step 3: Learn about the Blended Retirement System
Another thing you’ll need to learn about before hiring a military divorce lawyer is the Blended Retirement System. You’ll need to study up it because many military divorce lawyers will struggle with fighting for your case because of this newer rule. In this rule, the military member’s retirement multiplier is reduced from 2.5 percent to 2 percent. Additionally, there’s a 5 percent government match into the TSP, and continuation pay is available that needs to be discussed if the military member has reached 12 years of service. This system was put into place in 2018, so it’s relatively new, and that’s why many military divorce lawyers can struggle with getting all of these different terms situated for their clients.
Step 4: Find a military divorce lawyer that has handled a lot of cases
Military divorces can be tricky, so you must find a well-educated military divorce lawyer with a long history of these cases. Military divorce lawyers at Military Divorce Chesapeake can help you with situations such as these and specialize in them. As with any lawyer and court situation, the better and more experienced your lawyer is will give you a better chance of getting the ruling you want in the courtroom. These court cases can be complex and tricky for a military divorce lawyer who is just starting. You’ll want to put your trust in a lawyer who is a veteran and knows exactly what they are doing when it comes to getting you what you need.