Using Raspberry Pi sftp server

There are several ways of accessing Raspberry Pi files through the network. One of the preferred methods is to use the Secure Copy (SCP). It is a file sending command allowing transferring data over SSH. This is a secure way of sending files between Raspberry Pi boards or other Linux machines. To use with Windows, you need special software like WinSCP. As you can see, it requires additional software to access files from windows. But if you are used to transferring data via FTP, you have another option – SFTP, an FTP with encryption. SFTP is already enabled in Raspbian and can be used right away. Be sure that your FPT client supports sftp protocol. For instance, FileZilla, Bitvise, and the same WinSCP clients work without a problem. To connect to Raspberry Pi via sftp, you need to enter an IP address and port 22. Log in by using your connection credentials that are pi/raspberry by default. Once connected, you can drag and drop your files in and out. If you want to move a bit forward and connect to…

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The Hosting Dilemma

For anyone who has thought about starting an online business or even simply wanted to put up a personal blog, there’s one aspect of the whole process that often stops people in their tracks – web hosting. What is it? Why do I need it? What type is best? These are just a few of the queries that those new to building websites face when they begin to look at their hosting options. Here we look at those questions and give you the answers you need to make the right decision when you come to take out your next hosting package.

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Raspberry Pi – formatting and mounting USB drive

Let us say you bought a fresh new flash disk which most likely isn’t formatted. Just plug a thumb drive into the Raspberry Pi USB port and check if it has been detected by typing You should see in the list /dev/sda1 device, which is our USB drive: Since I want my drive to work on PC, it needs to be formatted with a FAT32 partition. First of all, you need to install Windows/DOS FAT32 support tools:

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