While we cannot say for certain what the future will bring, to give yourself the best chance of a long and lucrative career, you need to choose a sector and a job which is likely to be needed in the future. Technology and society are developing every day, and while this might mean that there are fewer jobs in some sectors, it is creating plenty of opportunities in others. If you are considering your study options but are unsure about the best industries to pursue a career in, this article will give you some important guidance.

Using information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, here are the careers most likely to be in demand in the next decade:
Renewable energy technicians
Our planet’s climate is a top priority, and unless we take steps to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) we are facing increasingly extreme weather events and worse. The majority of the world is trying to find ways to protect the planet and the renewable energy sector is going to play a big part over the next decade.
Solar energy technician
Solar energy (i.e. energy which is harnessed from the sun) can be used as a source of electricity for vehicles, industry and homes, and via solar thermal panels can be used to heat water. Solar technicians install, maintain, and repair the technology which is going to become more and more common in our society in the future.
Wind energy technician
Wind energy is another clean source of power which will enable us to reduce carbon and methane emissions. Wind energy technicians install, maintain and repair wind turbines.
Heat pump technician
If we reduce our usage of fossil fuels, we will also need to find alternative ways to heat our homes and produce our hot water. Heat pumps (including air source and ground source) can extract latent heat from the natural environment and compress it to produce a source of heat for our homes. They run on a small amount of electricity but do not produce carbon when operating.
Computer science
The field of computer science is a varied and fascinating one with a lot of opportunity for creative people with a passion for technology, solving problems and analysis. To ensure you have the skills and knowledge needed to excel in a computer science career, you should complete both a bachelor’s degree and an online masters in computer science.
Software Developer
While we need computer hardware such as desktops, laptops, and mobile devices, they in turn need software applications and programs in order to complete the tasks we need them to do. Software developers design, create and develop software which makes our computers more intelligent and humans able to communicate more clearly.
Data Analyst
The pervasive nature of the internet and technology means that we now have access to more data than ever before. When properly tracked, analyzed and measured, this data can be used by individuals, organizations and companies to improve their operation. Analyzing large datasets is a complex task which data analysts will do before translating their findings into a form which is more digestible for others.
Information Security Analyst
The world of the internet has brought plenty of benefits to our society, but it has also brought new risks. Cybercriminals can exploit vulnerabilities in IT systems and networks to interrupt an organization’s operation, gain confidential information and/or extort money from organizations.
Computer Systems Analyst
There are seemingly endless possibilities for organizations when implementing or improving their computer systems. This can be overwhelming as many do not know what computer hardware or software they need to be able to operate efficiently. A computer systems analyst will assess an organization’s computer system and make recommendations about the best computer hardware and/or software they should be using to improve efficiency.
Health Services
Physical Therapist
Our population is ageing, and this is likely to lead to an increased need for physical therapists to support older people with pain management, therapy and mobility assistance.
Registered Nurse
The ageing population is also likely to need more registered nurses and nurse practitioners, especially those who are able to work with advancing technology and new treatment. Nurse practitioners will be particularly useful in the future as they can diagnose and treat patients in a very similar way to a doctor.
Health Services Manager
Our health care provision is going to change rapidly in the coming years due to research and technological developments. Health service managers will be essential in steering organizations through regulatory and technological changes.
Digital Marketing
The internet has opened up a digital world and a whole new platform on which businesses need to operate. We are always online, whether it is for work, entertainment or communication with loved ones. To be noticed in this digital world, new marketing techniques have developed and will continue to evolve in the future. From content creation, paid advertising and search engine optimization, there is not one industry which does not need an online presence in order to survive.
Digital Mental Health Counselor
The flipside of this digital world can present problems in our day to day life. It has made it very easy for people to go for long periods of time without any face-to-face human interaction. Social media has been linked to many mental health issues including low self-esteem and issues with addiction. This is likely to lead to real problems in society, so counselors with training in mental health problems which stem from or are worsened by the internet will be important.
Biomedical Engineer
Biomedical engineering is going to be incredibly important to our future health care services and medical treatment. Biomedical engineers work in research and development of bionic body parts, artificial organs, implants, and other medical devices. This is an ideal role for people who want to combine their passion for technology and engineering with a desire to improve society.
Electronics Engineering Specialist
Technology is getting smaller which means that electronics need to be smaller, more powerful, and more complicated than ever before. Electronics will continue to be essential in the future in medical care, industry, communications, transport and much more. Electronics engineers will be able to create electronics to support our constantly evolving technology.
Mechanical Engineering Specialist
A mechanical engineer (or technician) is involved in the design, testing and repair of physical technology such as robotics, clean energy systems, 3D printing and automation technology.