Introducing to STM32 ADC programming. Part2

After we had a quick overview of the STM32 ADC peripheral, we can dig deeper into specifics. To understand simple things, let’s go with the simplest case – single conversion mode. In this mode, ADC does one conversion and then stops. After the ADC conversion result is stored into the 16-bit ADC_DR data register (remember that the conversion result is 12-bit), then the End of Conversion (EOC) flag is set. An interrupt is generated if the EOCIE flag is set. The same situation is if the injected channel is converted. The difference is that the result is stored in the corresponding ADC_DRJx register, the JEOC flag is set, an interrupt is generated if the JEOCIE flag is set. In our example, we will measure the internal temperature sensor value and send it using USART. A temperature sensor is internally connected to the ADC1_IN16 channel. The algorithm will start a single conversion and wait for the conversion complete flag EOC. We will then read the ADC value from the ADC_DR register, which will later be used to calculate Celsius’s temperature value…