The Introduction for HD44780-based LCDs with AVR Microcontroller

HD44780 is a widely-used character-based LCD module that has been in production for several decades. These LCD modules are popular in a variety of electronic devices, such as clocks, measuring instruments, and microcontroller-based systems. They are relatively easy to use and provide a low-cost way to display information in real time. The HD44780 module supports up to 80 characters, which are arranged in two lines of 16 or 20 characters each. Today, you will learn and gain knowledge, from the very beginning part of the HD4780-based displays to its software part. Ok, let’s get the learning party started… The HD44780 LCDs with AVR Microcontroller You can simply apply the HD44780-based LCDs to be operated, either in 4-bit or 8-bit mode. If you select the 4-bit mode, the two nibbles of each byte are sent in a sequence on the high 4 bits of the data bus, such as in this order: DB7…DB4 and the low bits, DB3-DB0, are not connected. Besides that, there are also the RS (Register Select) lines, which determine if the information should be interpreted as data…