As a local business, you might have decided long ago that you’ll never require a website to keep your customers engaged and your profits reliably rolling in. It’s true that if your company has little ambition to conquer global marketplaces, a website is less integral to your business model. But that’s not to say that a website isn’t important and useful for smaller and more localized businesses across the UK. In fact, it’s a great place to build support and intrigue in your products and relationships with your customers – and so this article aims to show you how to set up a website with ease this summer.
Decide on Domain Name
Your domain name is the unique URL web users have to type into their search bars to find your distinct website. It’ll be a variation on your business’ name – as some names are already taken, you may have to experiment with those variations that aren’t currently in use. You can start finding a web host with a domain selected if you haven’t established your company. It is a great idea to work out the company name during domain name search. This way, you are not limited to keywords already taken, and the whole process may become fun. Here are some tips on how to get an LLC.
Hosting Companies
Your website needs to be hosted by a company to go live on the internet. This isn’t as complex or nonsensical as it sounds – it means that your site data is saved and hosted onto the world wide web from a specific source; a company runs that. Here, it’s worth visiting to understand the different packages and assistance that hosting platforms can provide businesses in the process of setting up their first website.
Build Up Your Site

Now it’s time to build your site. As it’s unlikely that you possess the skills necessary to build a website all on your own, you’re going to need the help of a local web design whizz to help you code the layout, structure, and visual design elements that you’d like your website to display to all the site’s visitors. You can also choose to build up from templates provided by sites such as WordPress, although you’ll end up with a generic-looking website as a result.
Ensure You Have a Sales Page
Websites have a variety of different purposes and use. Still, your business’ website should certainly produce a sales page if it’s serious about making the most of the online space to help boost trade and make efficient savings into the future. Promote your products online, and have an easy-to-use checkout attached to your site to save customers from shopping in-store.
With your new site all set up, it’s time to get promoting it. Use your social media channels to link through to your website, and add your website to business listings on Google and in your local directory. As much as possible, it would help if you were showing off your new site and making sure that your customers are aware that they can now contact you and trade with you online as well as in your brick-and-mortar store.
Even for local stores, websites can save a lot of time and money for store owners and customers. As such, follow the tips above to get set up with your very own website this summer.