In 2021, podcasts are more popular than ever, and more and more people are giving them a go. There are so many podcast categories, and there is really nothing stopping anyone from starting their own podcast and climbing up the charts. Of course, to really pull off a podcast and make it a success, you need to record it with the best possible equipment.

So, what kind of equipment do you need in your setup to record a podcast? You might already have some of the basics, but there are some extra items that you’ll need to have in your studio. Read on to hear some of our tips and tricks to get you started.
A Laptop
First things first, you need some computer or laptop to record your podcast. This will also come in handy when it comes to editing your podcast further down the line. Your laptop or computer needs to handle the recording and editing software, so make sure to look into the specs to find out more about this.
There are actually now laptops designed for this kind of project, so it wouldn’t hurt to do some research and find the best option.
Podcast Software
If you are planning on recording a podcast, then you will need to invest in some kind of podcast software. You might find that your laptop already comes with audio editing software, but if you want your podcast to appear professional, you’ll need something a bit more advanced.
Most podcast recording software packages will also allow you to edit the content, so this is something to look out for. With the right software, you can make sure that you are including extras such as music and sound effects and remove any mistakes along the way.
A Microphone
If you look up any guides on how to record a podcast, you’ll see just how important having a high-quality microphone can be. Yes, smartphones now come with quality microphones, but this isn’t going to do the job if you want to climb the podcast charts and appear professional. To make sure that you aren’t picking up sound from elsewhere in the room, you might want to invest in a directional mic that only picks up the sound of your voice when you are in front of it.
Remember that if you are having guests on, you might need a few mics and stands to accommodate everyone. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to pick up a pop filter that will cover your microphone and ensure you can reduce the extra noise or popping when you are recording. These are easy to find online so make sure to have a closer look.
The Right Headphones
As you are recording your podcast, you will want to hear what your guests are saying. Simply playing this out of your studio speakers isn’t going to be effective, and it can result in feedback that you will want to avoid. So, you should have a good set of headphones in your studio that you can use to listen as you record.
The best headphones for recording podcasts are those which cancel out the noise around you. This way, you’ll be able to focus on the recording and not get distracted by cars driving by or your doorbell going off!
In the same way that noise-canceling headphones can be useful for recording your podcast, we also recommend that you pick up some soundproofing material. The last thing you want is for your microphones to be picking up noises from outside or another room in the studio. The great thing about soundproofing material is that you can easily install it in your home studio.
This will likely set you back a reasonable amount of money, but it will be worth it in the end as you’ll be able to create a professional-sounding podcast.
A Mixer
Do you currently have a mixer in your studio? This is a common piece of equipment that most musicians will have if they record often, but if you don’t have one, it might be time to pick one up. A mixer is useful for podcast recording as it will allow you to ensure everything is combined properly in the final recording. Your mixer will allow you to adjust the levels on the voices, the voiceovers, and the music in your podcast.
Mixers are typically expensive, but they can be useful in other ways. You might need extra cables to get everything set up, so make sure to do your research and find something suitable.
An Audio Interface
Finally, if you plan to record a podcast, you should consider investing in an audio interface. These can be very useful when you need to connect your microphone and the rest of your gear during the recording.
Audio interfaces can allow everything to come together seamlessly and are a worthwhile investment for your studio. If you don’t already have one of these in your set-up, we recommend looking at some options online. Audio interfaces can be reasonably priced; make sure you are choosing one that suits your requirements.
Get Everything Now
You might be excited to start recording your podcast, but we recommend investing in all of this equipment before you begin. If you wait until you are a few episodes in, you’ll notice the difference in the recording and editing quality between episodes. So, spend some time researching the right equipment and make sure that you make the right decisions. Once you have everything that you need in your studio set-up, you’ll be able to start planning your podcast schedule and climbing the charts. Who knows, you might even be running the leading podcast in your genre soon enough?