Palletizing has come a long way, and many industries are today moving in with the trends by adopting new methods versus the traditional ones. Palletizers are great for handling different kinds of products in an industry. Palletizing applications include tasks such as handling bags, cartons, pails

Changing from a conventional method to an automated one is not always easy. This is because both have features that you would want for your application, and you are the only one in a position to know what is best for your business. To decide which of the two suits your needs better, let us look at the benefits of both conventional palletizing and palletizingrobot.
Differences between conventional palletizing and robot palletizing
Before you choose the best method to go with, make sure you clearly lay out what the needs of your company are, what the production rate is, and what you aim to achieve. With this knowledge, it will be easier to know if you want to retain the conventional palletizing applications or if you want to automate your applications using trendy and advanced palletizing robots.
Speed is one of the most crucial aspects of every industrial application. Conventional palletizers come in two categories, which are the high-level palletizers and the low-level palletizers. The high-level palletizers have much higher palletizing speeds than the low-level palletizers do.
They can also reach higher heights as compared to low-level palletizers. The speeds of the palletizers depend primarily on their models and can range from ten to forty bags per minute.
Robot palletizers on the other hand, can palletize 40 and more bags per minute depending on the products that need palletizing; in some cases, a robot palletizer can handle more than 1,000 cans per minute. Whichever the case, the speed of a robot palletizer is incomparable to that of a conventional palletizer.
One of the drawbacks of conventional palletizers is their frequent breakdowns. This is because they develop mechanical operational failures that need repairing or replacements once they work for long hours. Though the palletizers do not demand specialized knowledge to repair them, frequent breakages waste time and costs that may bring down production.
On the other hand, robot palletizers have fewer mechanical problems and even fewer mechanical components to repair or replace. All they have is a program and sensors that enable them to carry out their applications. Having robot palletizers means less downtime and more reliability.
Conventional palletizers handle one product at a time. If it is palletizing bags, it cannot deal with bales or cartons. The good thing that comes out of this is that the pallets look neat, compact, well-squared, and compressed.
On the other hand, a robot palletizer is versatile as it comes with end-of-arm tools that can handle more than one product at a time. You can also a robot palletizer for almost every need in the company. The arms have magnetic grippers that can hold several containers at a go. If you have a busy company that needs handling of multiple products in the fastest time possible, a robot palletizer would be handier than a conventional palletizer would.
Conventional palletizers are large and imposing. For this, they require large spaces to enable them to move around effectively as they carry out their applications. This means you may not have enough space for anything else if you are using a conventional palletizer.
On the other hand, robot palletizers are flexible and come in dimensions depending on the system’s configurations; they can see fir in tight and limited spaces and still carry out their applications with ease, todays robot palletizers are collaborative and can work alongside humans without any interference.
Wrapping it up
You can tell from the above few points that choosing robot palletizing over conventional palletizing comes with more benefits. Besides the above points, the robots also have better safety and lower labor costs. They continue to take over in many industries, and before jumping ship, you need to evaluate all your company’s needs and then make a decision. Whatever the case, automating your palletizing processes is a wise move.