How truck drivers use technology to avoid fatigue-based accidents

Truck drivers must adhere to work time rules for their own safety and other road users’ safety. Work time rules ensure that drivers take regular breaks and don’t endlessly work. 50 years ago, drivers would drive 15-20 hours straight, get a few hours’ sleep, then repeat the journey. That’s no longer acceptable. Health and safety concerns have driven a raft of legislation to reduce fatigue behind the wheel so that drivers don’t fall asleep while driving. Some countries use tachographs to monitor work time, while others use paper or electronic logbooks. There are specific requirements for the minimum amount of information included in a logbook record to make it legal. If a police officer asks to see a logbook, the driver must supply it immediately (i.e., it must be in the truck and up-to-date). If there are any minor errors or omissions, the police officer has discretion whether or not to fine the driver or make waiving a fine contingent on them doing a police-recommended logbook diversion course.

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The Most Popular Tech Gifts Given This Christmas

So, Christmas is over already. It might have seemed like it passed in the blink of an eye, but it’s already time to take down the tree, pack the tinsel and baubles away, and finish off the last of the leftover turkey. The countdown to next Christmas has already started, and in the meantime, you can start using and playing with all the fabulous tech gifts that we know will have been waiting for many of you underneath the tree this year. As advanced technology becomes more commonplace in all of our homes, more of the gifts we both give to and receive from our friends are tech-related, from devices that are supposed to make our lives easier to entertainment products and games. Gone are the days of receiving socks and deodorant for Christmas – these days, you’re more likely to get something that either needs batteries or has to be plugged into the wall! Among all the tech-related items that have been gifted this Christmas, some have been more popular than others – and here’s the lowdown on the…

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How the latest gadgets have helped during the covid-19 shutdown?

Governments and businesses have adopted sweeping initiatives across the globe to mitigate the symptoms of the novel coronavirus. If the community comes together digitally and flatten the trajectory of the infection of COVID-19, companies must brace themselves for the effects of these tough times. As customers change their habits and nest at home, media intake, internet shopping sites, and digital wellness applications have seen upswings in usage. In the meantime, preferences for household consumption, overwhelmed by economic uncertainty, may influence the success of other areas of technology. This article will discuss some technology gadgets that have seen an upsurge due to COVID-19 related lockdown. As netizens are stuck indoors, technology has helped bridge the gap. From work, from studying at home, technology has kept the spirits running and certain sectors booming. Let us talk in detail regarding a few such tech gadgets whose sales have skyrocketed ever since the lockdown.

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How Will Industry 4.0 Benefit Asia?

If you haven’t heard of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0), you’re missing out on something likely to have a seminal impact on the global economy. This essentially refers to the ongoing automation and digitization of traditional manufacturing and industrial processes to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and optimize productivity across the board.

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All You Need To Know About Battery Reconditioning

Battery reconditioning is a very easy cost-effective way to revive dead batteries. Doing so, not only is good for you financially, but it is also an environmentally friendly way of making the most out of your batteries. In its essence, battery reconditioning refers to bringing back to life dead batteries and elongating their healthy life and charge capacity. Why Does Your Battery Lose Power Over Time Whenever you charge and discharge any battery, lead sulfate crystals developed around the battery’s plates. When this buildup grows a lot, it causes the battery to lose its charging capacity over time. Certain batteries such as NiMH rechargeable batteries and NiCad ones can be reconditioned and revived from this easily.

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