How truck drivers use technology to avoid fatigue-based accidents

Truck drivers must adhere to work time rules for their own safety and other road users’ safety. Work time rules ensure that drivers take regular breaks and don’t endlessly work. 50 years ago, drivers would drive 15-20 hours straight, get a few hours’ sleep, then repeat the journey. That’s no longer acceptable. Health and safety concerns have driven a raft of legislation to reduce fatigue behind the wheel so that drivers don’t fall asleep while driving. Some countries use tachographs to monitor work time, while others use paper or electronic logbooks. There are specific requirements for the minimum amount of information included in a logbook record to make it legal. If a police officer asks to see a logbook, the driver must supply it immediately (i.e., it must be in the truck and up-to-date). If there are any minor errors or omissions, the police officer has discretion whether or not to fine the driver or make waiving a fine contingent on them doing a police-recommended logbook diversion course.