Threats of the Modern Online Advertising Market

Advertising has always been a key part of the online experience, ever since the popularisation of the world wide web in the late ‘90s. Yet, despite this constant involvement, the finer points of digital advertising have undergone several significant changes. One of the most obvious forms where this change has taken place is safety concerns. Existing as a constant battle between honest advertisers and malicious interlopers, the push and pull have tended to favour the honest, but this position has been hard-won. The Prior Dangers Back in the early days of the internet, the biggest problem with advertisers tended to revolve around pop-up ads. These could appear rapidly and unprompted, propagating until a system required a hard reset. While these were frustrating to manage, they are also largely a problem of the past. The negative attention and worldwide hate that nasty popups generated led to a market that was much better regulated. This, in addition to the application of adblockers, stopped the popup threat before it reached the modern-day on a mass scale.