How Online Casinos Moved Forwards by Taking a Step Back
Technology can transform and improve the way we do business. But sometimes, we need to look to the past to really progress. Lessons from the past It is easy to overlook the benefits of what worked before in the clamor to replace our hardware with new software. And sometimes, we need technology to move forward to a certain point before we can embrace elements of the past. A prime example of that comes in the form of online casinos. Few industries can claim to have utilized new technology and moved forward at such a rapid rate as the online casino sector. Casinos have suddenly shifted online over the past decade from being solely found within bricks-and-mortar venues for almost 400 years. They have become accessible to anyone with an internet connection. The old method of playing table games in a casino with a croupier was replaced by a completely digital experience with automated dealers powered by advanced software with built-in random number generators. These new casinos were able to replicate numerous classic table games and bring them to an online platform….