Best Ways to Help Students Affected by Generational Powerty

Generational poverty is a term used for families that have experienced at least two generations of poverty. Such a situation can affect every aspect of their lives, whether physical, social, emotional, or mental. Children born in poverty are the ones most affected by this scenario. They think it is their fault and feel shame, believing people will judge them. Other causes of generational poverty include lack of education, in which students are three times more likely to drop out of early education. Teen pregnancy is also common among such families, due to which they let go of early education. In the end, they give up hope watching their parents struggle and thinking they will end up the same. They cannot imagine their life any more different, and so they let go of their struggles. Working with students going through generational poverty experience uncovers many things. You may see students who use electrical tapes to hold their shoes together. Some students have total attendance because the only meal they have in a day is from the school cafeteria. Social workers also…