People usually look for free services online, and this is because not all of us can afford the paid and expensive packages offered by many websites on the web! Now the same is the case with plagiarism checker tools! Now one thing should be clear to you that the use of plagiarism checker tools is essential today and you cannot survive without the use of these tools especially if you are related to content and content management! So today we are going to tell you about the best online plagiarism checker tools that are both reliable and free!

Plagiarism Checker Online by DupliChecker!
So guys, the first reliable and free online plagiarism checker in our list is by the famous website better known as You guys should know that the plagiarism tool by DupliChecker is one of the most simple and accurate tools that you can use for checking of copied content! Now today, we are going to also tell you about how to check plagiarism online with DupliChecker! So, first of all, we will like you guys to open up the website by simply clicking on the link mentioned above and then navigate the plagiarism checker online tool! You should register yourself with DupliChecker if you want to get free and unlimited services from DupliChecker!
Now when you have registered and logged in with your account, you will see a vast text box in which you have to either write down the text or simply paste the text that needs to be checked for plagiarism for! Now you don’t have to worry about if you have a document that needs to be checked because you can also upload documents using the upload bar! Now that you have inputted the text, you just have to click on the CHECK PLAGIARISM button below the box! Below we have mentioned some important points about the tool!
- First of all, know that this is a free tool that allows you to check 50 documents that have at least a thousand words each in a day if you register yourself with this tool!
- You can upload documents in multiple formats, and you don’t have to worry about if you have any format other than word! You can upload .tex, .txt, .doc, .docs, .odt, .pdf, and .rtf files!
- You should know that this tool can accept multiple languages as well, and if you have a doc written in a foreign language, you can still check it for plagiarism!
- Now you should know that this tool has URL integrations, and you can simply mention the URLs of websites that you want to check your content directly with, and you can also remove those that you don’t want your content to be compared with!
- Now when you are done checking plagiarism, you can use the GRAMMAR CHECK button to check grammar mistakes in your content!
- Now you should also know that this tool will give you a complete report authenticating the originality of content!
The Plagiarism Checker Online by Smallseotools.Com!
Now we will like you guys to know about the plagiarism checker online tool by SST! You guys should know that small SEO tools are one of the most reliable platforms for search engine optimization, and the checking for plagiarism is a part of it! We want you to know that the use of the plagiarism checker online by small SEO tools is very much accessible. If you register with this tool, you will get free but unlimited services that will help you check as many words and articles in a day as you want! Here we have mentioned some of the top features of this tool, which will tell you its importance of it!
- First of all, you should know that this tool is free and web-based and has the most updated and huge database you can ever imagine! The tool has more than billions of web pages with unlimited words!
- You should know that you can upload multiple document formats having multiple languages too!
- This tool can give you a detailed report of plagiarism which will tell you about the originality of each and every line in the content!
- The content that is said to be copied will simply be highlighted in red, and the green one will tell you about the original content!
- Now you will also be given a complete plagiarism report that will tell you about the percentage of plagiarism, which is very much important, mainly while you are catering academic content!
- You can also check grammar mistakes and rephrase the copied content with the help of this plagiarism checker online tool!