Thomas Pfeifer has connected Nokia 6100 132×132 pixel 4096 color LCD to an AVR microcontroller. LCD is also used in Nokia 6100, 7200, 6610, 7250, and 6220. This display was relatively small by modern standards but was typical for phones of its time. The color depth of 4096 allowed for a range of colors to be displayed, but with limited color accuracy and depth compared to modern smartphone displays. He connected LCD to Atmega8 microcontroller:

There are two display types: Epson chipset(S1D15G10) and Philips(PCF8833); The PCF8833 is a graphics display controller designed for color TFT displays with resolutions up to 176×220 pixels. It supported 4096 colors and used a serial interface to communicate with the phone’s main processor. The Epson S1D15G10 was not used in the Nokia 6100 specifically. The example code is written for Philips chipset. Firmware is written in AVR-GCC language, where images can be uploaded via serial cable. Also, there are few video view sample videos on how it AVR-3D-Engine works.
Hi there,
just wantet to let you know, that your contact page is broken.
BTW: Nice site.
Thank you for notice, Alex.
The error has been corrected. Sorry for inconveniences.
hey i ve orange layer pcd but the chip ()smd -16 pin mostly is on main pcb no chip with lcd so what i ve 2 do 2 use tat lcd????????
I m new here can anyone pls tell me where to get circuit idea and related .hex and .asm files for it or anyother related prog.
Why don you follow the link under article
use any Atmega8 board and connect it to LCD with 4 wires (port B) as it is shown in table. And be sure to connect voltages correctly.
I ve a laptop 17″ lcd panel and want to use it and drive it with avr.
can you tell me connections on a general lcd panel and how to use it.
i mean if there is some command like a character lcd tel me them
thank you
I implemented this LCD on an AVR chip and surgically attached it to my dog’s head.
All kidding a side, this was the first demo that got me up and running and just wanted to say thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I want the control lcd nokia n73.
If you solved the problem,conect by me.
tanks & very mach.