Every year, technology advances in convenience and accessibility. Thanks to modern technologies, there are tools students can use to get help with school tasks. Here are 15 technological tools you can’t live without as a student!
1. Encrypted Flash Drives
This flash drive requires the user to enter a pin number to use it – preventing strangers from accessing information.
2. Tech Backpacks
The backpacks store all your belongings and use a solar panel to generate energy for powering electrical devices.
3. Smart Pens
This new technology eliminates notebooks, pens, and papers by tracking what you write and having audio recording features that can be uploaded to programs like Google Docs.
5. Study Blue
With this mobile app, you can store study materials like notes, flashcards, coursework, and more that you can share with other students on your mobile device.
6. Flashnotes
This resource allows you upload lecture notes and sell them. The best note-takers make the most money, and their knowledge is shared with other students – including you if you need it.
7. Virtual Keyboards
These keyboards are around the size of a TicTac box, and they use laser technology to project a keyboard that connects to your mobile device or tablet via Bluetooth for real-time typing.
8. Digital Textbooks
Streamline your textbooks through a digital format to your tablet for easy learning at a cheaper rate.
9. Chromebooks
Like digital books, Chromebooks are accessed through Google and are inexpensive, easy to control, and enable fast typing for helpful note-taking.

10. Glogster EDU
Don’t worry about manually making presentations – upload all the information you need, including graphs, photos, and videos, to a collage you can share.
11. Noise-Canceling Headphones
By using these headphones, you can cancel out the noise and not worry about distractions when studying and doing homework.
12. Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software
Speak through a headset or a mobile app that allows you to record audio. This app will help you convert the audio to Microsoft Word or other programs for faster note-taking and completing assignments.
13. Knewton
Personalize content on a platform that monitors your educational learning and builds interactive resources based on your performance.
14. Smart Lights
Plug in these lights that stream illumination settings and music from your phone for a fantastic studying or homework environment.
15. Fitbit Flex
It isn’t easy to have a consistent lifestyle as a student. Fitbit Flex is here to help by managing your sleeping, eating, and fitness habits.
As a busy college student, you want to be able to work and study faster and wiser. To do that, you need to get involved in modern technologies that are smartly designed to help you with your educational responsibilities while attending school. Go shopping today for unique items on this list and see how these useful technological advances can make your life easier!
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