Lend stability to your business during the troubled times of COVID 19 with these tips from Eric J Dalius

Massive disruptions arising from the COVID19 pandemic have entirely changed the way of doing business for all companies, big and small. From shutting down stores to companies failing to fulfil their delivery commitments due to disrupted supply chains has become quite common. Companies that have maintained their operations, albeit on a smaller scale, have experienced a decline in business. It is evident from the massive decrease in foot traffic at retail stores that is down by 97.6%, says Eric Dalius, a veteran and successful entrepreneur.

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The Best Tips on How to Grow Your Digital Marketing Agency

Having a local digital marketing agency is one thing, and making it grow to attract more clients and make you earn out of it is another thing. Since most businesses have shifted into an online platform, having the best digital marketing agency will ensure you and the client’s business growth. This will not be possible if you have got small traffic and very little influence. You need first to make your agency to grow to attract more clients. Here are the best tips you can use to help you grow your digital marketing agency:

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7 Money-Saving Tips Small Business Owners Should Know

Small business owners need to be more careful about their cash flows today more than ever. The pandemic has permanently closed almost 98,000 businesses throughout America alone. The global repercussions of this pandemic are unbelievable, especially to small businesses. Even before this unprecedented crisis, experts estimate that 82 percent of businesses shut down permanently due to poor cash flow. A business can suffer from insufficient cash flow for many reasons. A business could have fewer customers than ideal. Or it could be spending too much on their operations. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need more than inspiration from the best movies about business. It would be best if you decreased the operation cost of your business. This way, you can save these resources for emergencies or use them to bolster other parts of your business. Here are 7 ways to cut costs and streamline your business’s expenses.

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Five Reasons to Get a Short-Term Loan

Things have changed a lot over the past year, many of us have been affected in ways we could not have predicted. Even well-managed businesses are struggling to stay afloat because of the lockdowns and the changes in people’s behavior. There are many reasons people arrange to get a short-term loan. And this year there are more than ever. If you are taking a loan for your startup then make sure you are paying it on time as Business Debt Collection agents are quite efficient in recovering debts from you.

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5 Tips to Choose the Right Pre-IPO Startup to Invest In

Startups are risky, but they have the potential to turn an idea into a successful business and bring in massive profits. This is why; the seasoned investors are looking forward to investing in the tech startups pre IPOs. The world’s top businesses, including Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and other tech giants that top the Forbes’ list, are all tech startups. Considering their ability to offer substantial financial gains, tech startup companies are popping, offering great investment opportunities. And, investing in a pre-IPO tech startup is an even smarter choice that gives an exceptional output. Before we discuss tips on choosing the right pre-IPO startup, let us see why investing in it makes sense.

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Business Management Elements to Work On After the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the world and caused industries worldwide to take drastic measures and take on major shifts to survive the ordeal. As the world’s economy takes a hit and much of society hits a standstill, many companies have taken losses, and there have already been countless unfortunate tales of closures, bankruptcies, and the like. If your business manages to get by now, it would be best to start thinking of different ways to improve your system to prevent such catastrophic conditions from catching up. Innovative technological approaches such as ServiceNowimplementation are great options for businesses that want to improve and already have plans to take on the aftermath of COVID-19. Of course, as with any plan of action or strategic implementation of new systems, there need to be direct and specific goals to hit to succeed. Here are some factors that will need to come into play when recovery begins.

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