The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected the offline trade contacts, therefore, lots of companies turn to find PCB assembly partners online in the past year. Seeed Studio has always been committed to providing companies around the world with faster and higher-quality manufacturing services, their ongoing goal is to assist customers to achieve the best possible time to market and competitive advantage by providing PCB assembly service in a sustainable way at the lowest total cost through competence, delivery accuracy, and product quality.
In this piece, we’ve put together a list of sponsorship activities that Seeed Studio offers for their PCB assembly customers. Without further ado, let’s jump right it.
Design for Assembly (DFA) Review Now Free for All PCB Assembly Orders with Seeed Fusion

Seeed Studio are now including the highly acclaimed Design for Assembly (DFA) review with every PCBA order – 100% free. No prices have been hiked up or additional fees squeezed in anywhere.
You cannot understate the value of this service. PCB Design for manufacture (DFM) is now widespread and now considered the standard in the PCB manufacturing industry. But the scope is severely limited. With Gerber files being static images at most, DFM review can only confirm if these files can translate into a physical PCB board, and engineers can only make an educated guess when something doesn’t quite look right. On the other hand, PCBA DFA engineers have the BOM, assembly files and technical insight at their disposal, enabling them to thoroughly check the design for otherwise invisible errors.
Free Functional Testing for One piece with Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly

PCBA manufacturing is very complicated and contains many different processes. Therefore, functional testing is a critical quality control method to ensure the performance of the assembled PCB. Seeed we recognize the importance of testing, so Seeed Fusion has now officially launched free functional testing for all PCBA orders.
Free PCBA Prototyping for Business Users

To further relieve the burden on rising start-ups and small businesses, especially in such challenging times, Seeed Fusion is now offering support tailored to enterprise users. Get prototyping costs refunded when your product elevates to batch production (100 pieces or above) with Seeed Fusion. And not just one prototyping cycle – as many as it takes (up to 6% the batch order value).
Zero Operation Fee for Batch PCBA Orders!

Done and dusted with prototypes? Move onto larger batches with no operation fee on orders over 100 pieces with Seeed Fusion today. Just place an order on the Seeed Fusion PCB/PCBA order page or Premium PCBA page and the discount will be applied directly. Offer available unlimited times per customer.
A Variety of Modules for Free with Seeed Studio PCBA service

Unlike other PCB factories, Seeed Studio not only a manufacturing company, they also develop lots of outstanding SBC, IoT products, they know the commercial product production progress better than any PCB factories!
Seeed Studio is the approved design partner of Raspberry Pi, to spread the word about the wide range of possibilities with Raspberry Pi customizations, Seeed Studio launched sponsorship activities including Free Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Carrier Boards, 5 Raspberry Pi Picos FREE and Free Wio RP2040 sponsorship with Seeed PCBA service.
Seeed Studio also is official ST authorized partner, LoRa-E5 is the world’s first LoRa module with an ST system-level MCU embedded, lately Seeed Fusion launch activity to offer $250 PCBA Off for LoRa-E5 designs.
Selling Products with Seeed Fusion Marketplace

Yes, you read that right. Seeed also help you sell your products. Seeed Fusion Marketplace is a brand new platform that combines Shenzhen’s agile manufacturing resources with Seeed’s global sales experience, including sourcing, manufacturing, marketing, logistics and warehousing services. Currently, there are three kinds of programs available, the Groupbuy, Consignment and Licensed Products Programs, for a range of products at different stages.