5 Reasons You Should Limit Your Passengers as a New Driver

The average age of new drivers in the United States continues climbing. Fewer 16-year-olds applied for driver’s licenses in the last few years than in previous generations.

driver and passenger

Researchers believe several factors, such as alternative transportation options, have led to this result. For example, individuals can use rideshare apps and public transportation to reach their destinations.

In addition, some states have placed restrictions on licenses for drivers under the age of 18. Most accidents occur among drivers between the ages of 16 and 24. 

Then, the brain and cognitive abilities improve, reducing the driver’s risk to others on the road.

Regardless of age, drivers need time to mature their abilities behind the wheel. Therefore, they need to focus on the road while driving. 

The following are five reasons you should limit your number of passengers as a new driver.

1. Too Distracting

The reasons for obtaining a driver’s license for the first time depend on the applicant’s age. Teenagers want to receive it for independence. Older individuals often apply for work purposes.

Nonetheless, new drivers benefit from limiting the number of passengers in their vehicles to minimize distractions. 

In 2020, distracted driving led to 35k crashes and 38k fatalities. 

Driving is relaxing for some individuals. Others enjoy traveling through beautiful scenery. Remaining that driving is a privilege and not a right, freshly minted drivers must remember that they share the roads with others, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and children.

Thus, they must give themselves time to drive with a purpose.

If a car collision does occur, remember to contact legal representation, including California wrongful death attorneys, for additional guidance.

2. Need More Experience

Navigating a vehicle is very different from enjoying the ride as a passenger. Suddenly, you must pay attention to traffic signals, signs, and surroundings. 

Some believe that it takes six months to become proficient drivers. Individuals must learn how to judge distances using their vision and mirrors. Then, they must become comfortable looking over their shoulders and remembering that blindspots exist.

One driving feat that some need help with is parallel parking. It takes others longer to turn right without biting pieces of the curb.

While new drivers learn to master small details, limiting the number of passengers is best to increase focus.

3. Learn the Lay of the Land

New drivers must also learn the lay of the land. Today, individuals can lean on mapping apps that guide them from Point A to Point B. However, learning how to navigate by instinct is also a good idea.

The American highway system has a built-in logic. It helps drivers navigate through cardinal directions and a numbered system. 

For example, one and two digits denote major highways. Plus, even-numbered routes run east and west, while odd-numbered ones run north and south. 

It helps to understand the lay of the land if you ever find yourself without cell phone reception or get lost. 

4. Mature as a Driver

In crowds, it’s too easy to become consumed by peer pressure. New drivers need time to mature behind the wheel regardless of their age.

Some drivers panic when they make mistakes and feel frozen. Others experience road rage when drivers honk at them for making errors.

Having a crowd to witness the errors and growing pains isn’t ideal. Riding with veteran drivers who can give pointers is a good idea. Then, drivers can learn how to react to critical situations.

During the maturing phase, keep the crowd to a minimum.

5. Some States Require It

States take action to protect their residents. Since each state highway department reviews collision and vehicle data, they recommend minimizing the risks.

No state wants teenagers endangering themselves and others on the road. Therefore, some states have taken precautions and started limiting new driver’s licenses, especially for teenagers.

After obtaining your license, read the fine print and find out if it has any restrictions. Respecting the distractions will lessen headaches and potential suspensions if highway patrol pulls you over.


Driving has several purposes. Sharing it with others is part of the joy. Even veteran drivers should not overload their vehicles with passengers to ensure everyone arrives at their destinations safely. New drivers benefit from gaining more experience before transporting too many passengers.

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