5 Exemplary Tips to Boost your Slow Mac’s Speed

You’ve had your Mac for a few years now and you’re gazing at the Apple website with the hope that your pocket could justify the new Apple device- you’ve been long eyeing. Can’t afford a new product? Well, don’t lose hope since you’ll not have to fork out for replacing your PC to have speed boosts.

mac laptop

Yes, if you’re looking out for a new speedy and shiny Mac because your existing device is slow? Think again because you can increase the performance of your current device with some tips. Read on to know-how:

Update the Mac

You might be facing issues with the speed of your Mac if it’s been a long time since the recent upgrade. Each operating system update promises to bring a bag of improvements- one of the best is that you can speed up your macOS and boost performance with these updates. All you’ve to do is open the App Store, tap on the Updates button, and click on install.

Access about this Mac

The macOS uses some built-in tools for boosting the performance of your Mac by helping you get rid of the items that you no longer need. Go to the menu section and open About this Mac, and then access these by tapping Storage. After some time of waiting, you’ll see a visual representation of items that are taking up space on your system. Mail, iCloud Drive, and certain other items about which you can meet app-specific information and recommendations. Besides this information, you can also get some tips for eliminating space-occupying items, emptying trash, reducing clutter, and optimizing storage on your Mac.

Finder tips

Does your Finder window show all the files that you open each time? I’m sure it does. Changing this will help you notice minor performance boosts. Open the Finder Preferences and select an appropriate folder like Desktop when you open New Finder Windows. You can also create an In Progress folder for saving your progress.

Perform first aid

Wish to speed up your macOS? What better than cleaning up the immense applications that you’ve been keeping on your Mac? Whenever you install an application on your device, you get a package of files along with the software. These files give macOS users some instructions about operating these specific files. With a change in these permissions, you’ll witness your Mac freezing, crashing, and lagging. Thus, shuffling and re-dealing with these permissions make their return to the appropriate place. Make your first aid process easier by employing a built-in tool known as Disk Utility. Start-up processes and disk partitions work well in repairing the issues.

Web browser tips

Mail applications and web browsers are known to cause system hogs. You can have a look at your CPU performance by using Activity Monitor. Scrutinizing the Activity Monitor will help you find information on the pages you open on your Mac and how these annoying scripts take a toll on your processor. The experts here recommend always quitting your browser whenever not in use. Also, keep strict control over the number of tabs/websites that you open in your browser at a given period.

Adding more memory, reinstalling OS X, editing preference panes, reducing login items, and evaluating free space are some tips to boost the speed of your Mac. I hope that these tips will help you tweak a little more performance into your Mac and make your experience exemplary.

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