5 AVR Microcontroller Projects for Students

Engineering students who are keen to learn and explore more often and search for easy-to-teach projects can give them some confidence in what they have learned so far. For the technology students, we are enlisting almost fifteen AVR projects they can try to build. It will be helpful for their studies and research as well. But remember that here we will give only a brief introduction and explanation of the project. We won’t provide you with any diagrams or other technical information. This article is just for reference purposes only.

Temperature Controlled Motor

This temperature-controlled motor application can be seen in our daily use appliances like Air conditioners, Refrigerators, CPU fans, and many more. This simple project works on the simple principle that if the temperature is more significant than a specific value defined by the user, the motor will turn on. You can think about more applications for this Microcontroller project like you can keep the living room temperature at a specific limit. As the temperature increases, the fan or exhaust fan will turn on, and you will sleep comfortably on your leather sofas at your most liked temperature. You can use it in the fire safety system as well.

Biometric Attendance System

One of the most popular AVR Microcontroller projects is the biometric attendance system. You can try out this project. A simple finger scanner will be used to read and match the user’s fingerprints automatically time-stamp the fingerprint and store the required data in the database. Typical AVR applications are at educational institutes, industries, and companies where employees are paid according to their working hours.

Smart Traffic Control System

Sometimes you feel the need for some intelligent traffic control system rather than the conventionally timed traffic control system. Traffic doesn’t remain the same on all sides of a square all the time. Traffic flow is denser on some roads in the morning and denser on another side at office closing time. So there must be a traffic control system that may detect the traffic density and control the traffic accordingly. An IR can scan the density of the traffic on the roads, and then the microcontroller will assess and control the traffic signals by giving extra time to the roads with extra traffic.

Sunflower Solar Panels

Sunflower follows the sun to get maximum sunlight. So, if you embed this technology in the solar panels, you will get maximum energy out of your solar panels. This project will be a little tricky, but it will involve 2 LDRs to track the sun, a stepper motor to move the solar panel, and an ATMEGA8 Microcontroller.

Smart Street Lights

You can think about street lights which remained glowed even when there was no traffic on the road. It’s nothing but a waste of energy. You can make these streetlights bright using a microcontroller project. Sensors will detect the traffic coming on the road, and the traffic lights will turn on for a certain period. As there will be no traffic, lights will go off to save energy. This project will involve light-dependent resistors, light sensors, and PIR sensors, along with the microcontrollers.

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