3 Ways To Keep Your Digital Marketing Efforts From Feeling Spammy

While every business wants to get as much traffic as possible coming to their website and other online marketing channels, it’s vital that you get this traffic correctly. Not only can you risk running into issues like a Google ad suspension and other situations when you’re being spammy as a business, but you can also alienate your target audience, which is the opposite of what you’re aiming for.

digital marketing

To help ensure that you can go about this in the right way, here are three ways to keep your digital marketing efforts from feeling too spammy. 

Market To Those Who Opt-In

Although you want your ads and marketing to be seen by anyone who might even be marginally interested in your products or services, to give yourself the best chance at not having people feel like you’re trying to spam them, you should consider doing more targeted ad to those who have opted-in to marketing from you in the past. 

If someone has made a purchase with you before and has given you their contact information, feel free to market to them and send them all kinds of ads and content that you’ve created. But if they haven’t opted into this, or if they’re requested to unsubscribe from your content, it’s best to just leave them be so that they can still be on good terms with your business and potentially find their way back in the future. 

Take Care WIth Your Wording

The way that you word your ads and other content can also have a big impact on how spammy your content feels to readers and to the bots that help to rank your content and send traffic your way. 

While you might want to rank for all possible keywords associated with your business, if you stuff all of those keywords into places where they don’t actually make sense in your content, this can be seen as a very spammy tactic. Rather than doing this, try creating more compelling content that really connects with your target audience. 

Change Up Your Email Design On Occasion

When your subscribers or followers get content in the same format all of the time, it can kind of all run together. And if you’re sending out a lot of content, this sameness can start to feel spammy.

To combat this, try to change up your email or other content formats and design on occasion. Change how things look, change when you’re sending out content, and change up your tone to help break through the monotony and show your customers or followers that you’re interesting, not just a robot. 

If you don’t want your digital marketing efforts to feel spammy, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you attain this objective. 

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